Sale of 12,000 +/- SF Office Building on 6 acres, Cherry Hill, NJ | Rose Commercial Real Estate - South Jersey

Sale of 12,000 +/- SF Office Building on 6 acres, Cherry Hill, NJ

Sale of 12,000 +/- SF Office Building on 6 acres, Cherry Hill, NJ

Sale of 12,000 +/- SF Office Building on 6 acres, Cherry Hill, NJ

Property Type: Office
Site Size:  12,000 +/- SF
Buyer: Mata Gujri Sikh Society of Cherry Hill, Inc.
Seller: LJC Realty, LLC
Brokers:  Adam Rose, President

Adam Rose, President of Rose Commercial Real Estate, represented both parties in the sale of 11 Allison Drive in Cherry Hill. Located on a six-acre, professionally-landscaped wooded lot just off Route 70 and Marlkress Road, the 12,000-square foot property was the ideal site for the buyer. Mata Gujri Sikh Society of Cherry Hill, Inc. was looking to open a temple for the congregation in Cherry Hill and the two-story building former home of Pathfinder, LLC will be transformed to include space for worship as well as a kitchen and dining area with classrooms possibly in the future. Originally zoned as Industrial Restricted (IR), the project did require zoning board approval by the township. The sale with seller LJC Realty, LLC closed at the end of September for $1,535,000.


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