BESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswy11 Allison Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ | Rose Commercial Real Estate - South Jersey
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Beautiful office campus on
professionally landscaped private
wooded lot
Excellent parking
Room to expand the building
Quick access to I-295, Route 70
and area bridges
Interior space includes:15 individual offices including executive suites,
large library, training center (30 in class room seating), cafeteria,
2 large open cubicle areas, reproduction/ supply room, elevator and
building back up generator